Community Impact

Donated to Cops N Kids

Collected Toys and Clothes for the Christmas Gift Drive

Sisters Sending Sunshine

Delivered Cookies and Sock & Lotions to Assisted Living Residents

Recognizing our Club Awards Winners
at a District Meeting

Bringing a handmade blanket to convention for the Boggy Creek Project

Members reading to children at
Brooker Creek on Owl-OWeen

We adopted a mile to clean up the Pinellas Trail 

Bringing Supplies to Margarita Romo & the Dade City Farmworkers

Collecting for the Thanksgiving Food Drive at the (CAP) Citizens Alliance for Progress 

Our first Domestic Violence Meeting at the TS Police Station with Detective Scarpati

Honor Flight - Honoring our Veterans

Providing & wrapping toys for the Cops 'N Kids Annual Toy Drive