Upcoming Events & Fundraisers
General Meetings and Monthly Luncheons
The general meetings of the Club are held monthly from October through May.
Luncheons are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Registration starts at 11:00 am with meeting being called to order at 11:30 am until 1:00 pm.
The meeting consists of a luncheon, business meeting and a program.
Luncheon reservations are required. Email lunchreservations@wcts1892.org to reserve your seat & tell us your meal choice.
Luncheon cost is $25 payable at the door with Cash or Check or prepaid online with Zelle (wcts1892@gmail.com).
** If you RSVP and do not attend, know that you will be charged for your meal. After the final head count is given to caterer, 10 days prior, the club will forward any outstanding meal charges to member.
***No leftover food may be removed from the premises, in accordance with County & State Health Code.
We have a Membership Drive Tea annually each 3rd Wednesday of September.
Membership Renewals are due by Sept 30 - $60. We plan to have the yearbook directories completed for our October general meeting so if your payment is not received by Sept 30th, your name & contact information cannot not be included in the yearbook. Payment can be made by cash / check / Zelle (wcts1892@gmail.com) at the Sept Tea or before or mail your renewals to GFWC WCTS PO Box 1963, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688 to be received before Sept 26. Annual membership dues are to be paid by the end of September to the Membership Chair regardless of what month you joined the club.
Luncheon Location: Tarpon Springs Yacht Club, 350 N. Spring Blvd. Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689
It is against our bylaws for member contact information to be used for personal gain or solicitation.
Past Events